This is the time of the year when crop fires can take hold and cause devastation and the financial cost is something that farmers don’t wish to think about.

Fire services are urging farmers to take steps to avoid such disasters. Just last year crop fires in North Yorkshire last summer caused thousands of pounds worth of crops to be lost. The same in County Durham and in the south of the country. In fact, crop fires were widespread all over the UK and abroad.

What can be done to help stop the spread of crop fires?

First, keep a lookout for any smoke in a field. If you see smoke report it to the farmer if you are close to a farm.

Second, if the fire looks as if it has got a hold call the fire service the sooner they are called the more chance of getting it under control before it gets out of hand.

The third is down to the farmer and that is to make a fire break to help control the chances of the fire spreading. On a calm day, fire breaks are very effective, unfortunately in windy conditions things can change but it is still a good idea to have fire breaks in the field

With the cost of food increasing all the time the last thing we all need is to lose food crops to wildfires and to have to import from overseas.

So, if you see any signs of crop fires do something about it and report it as soon as you can.

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